companioning philosophy

Dr. Wolfelt’s companioning philosophy of grief care


1. Your companion therapist will be present to your necessary pain but will not try to take away your pain.

2. Your companion therapist will travel the wilderness of grief with you but will not rescue you.

3. Your companion therapist will honor your soul and spirit and understand that you can’t “think your way” out of grief.

4. Your companion therapist will listen with the heart more than analyze with the head.

5. Your companion therapist will bear witness to your struggles and will never judge or direct those struggles.

6. Your companion therapist will walk alongside you but will not lead.

7. Your companion therapist will respect the value of silence and will not try to fill up every moment with words.

8. Your companion therapist will understand that going at your pace is much healthier than frantic movement forward.

9. Your companion therapist will know that disorder and confusion are necessary parts of the process.

10. Your companion therapist will learn from you more than teach you.

11. Your companion therapist is not the expert of your grief. You are the expert of your grief.

Companion grief therapists know that you do not need clinical treatment or to be “cured.” Instead, they believe you need compassionate understanding and gentle guidance to help you get back on track.